Incredible! 3 Cheetahs Play With a Youn Antelope


Photographer Michel Denis-Huot, who took these amazing pictures on safari in Masai Mara in Kenya in October 2009, said he was surprised by what he saw. Surprisingly, three cheetah brothers, playing with a baby Impala that was not fast enough to escape with the rest of the herd in their approach.  
"In the morning we saw them, they seemed not to be hungry, walking quickly but a youth has not been fast enough and the three brothers caught him easily. 

'They knocked it down, but then they lost interest,' said Michel. 'For more than 15 minutes, they remained with the young antelope without doing anything other than licking it or putting their paws on the impala's head.'

Even more extraordinarily, this story has a happy ending - after one tense moment when it looked as though one cheetah would bite the impala on the neck, the youngster ran away.

Let's hope it didn't tell all its friends how nice those big, scarylooking cheetahs really are when you get to know them.


Sticking your neck out: Oblivious to the danger, the impala appears to return the affection to the cheetahs


Source: dailymail